How Long Can a Poodle’s Hair Grow?

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How Long Can a Poodle's Hair Grow

When it comes to poodle grooming, one of the most common questions we get asked is “how long can a poodle’s hair grow?” The answer to that question depends on a number of factors, including the type of poodle, the length of their coat, and how often they are groomed. In this blog post, we’ll explore those factors in greater detail to give you a better idea of how long your poodle’s hair can grow.

Type of Poodle: Standard vs. Miniature vs. Toy

The type of poodle plays a role in how long their hair can grow. Standard poodles have the longest hair, followed by miniature poodles. Toy poodles have the shortest hair, which means they require the least amount of grooming.

Coat Length: Long vs. Medium vs. Short

Poodles also come in different coat lengths: long, medium, and short. Obviously, poodles with longer coats can grow their hair out more than those with shorter coats. However, all poodles need to be groomed regularly to prevent matting and tangling.

Grooming Frequency: Every 4-8 Weeks

How often a poodle is groomed also plays a role in how long their hair can grow. Poodles should be groomed every 4-8 weeks to prevent mats and tangles. The more often they are groomed, the shorter their hair will be. However, if you let your poodle’s hair grow too long between grooming sessions, it will become matted and difficult to manage. 

What’s The Longest Poodle Hair?

Poodle hair is similar to human hair in that it never stops growing, and if not groomed, it would keep growing indefinitely.

The average Poodle’s coat grows anywhere from half an inch to an inch every month. Some Poodles can grow hairs that are 20 inches long.

However, the actual length of the strands of hair can be even longer because the hair is compact and matted

The type of Poodle (Standard, Miniature, or Toy) plays a role in how long their hair can grow. Standard Poodles have the longest hair, followed by Miniature Poodles, and Toy Poodles have the shortest hair.

Poodles also come in different coat lengths: long, medium, and short. Poodles with longer coats can grow their hair out more than those with shorter coats.

Poodles can have long hair, but it is not recommended due to the potential for discomfort, tangling, and grooming difficulties.

Long, curly, and grown-out hair can easily nest things like burrs, dirt, mud, etc., which can cause hygiene issues.

 It is important for their coat and skin that you cut their hair when it starts to get long.

There are various hairstyles for Poodles, such as the corded coat, where the hair is allowed to grow into long dreadlocks roughly the diameter of a pencil.

However, maintaining a long-haired Poodle requires dedication and responsible grooming to ensure the dog’s safety and overall comfort.

Poodle hair can grow quite long, with some reaching up to 20 inches or more.

However, it is essential to groom and maintain their hair to prevent discomfort and hygiene issues.

How fast does poodle hair grow

If you ask me how fast does a poodles hair grow?

The answer is, Poodle hair can grow up to one inch per month on average, which is about twice as quickly as human hair growth .

However, the growth rate can vary depending on factors such as the poodle’s coat type and genetics.

To prevent tangles and mats, regular grooming is necessary, and it is recommended to trim the hair every 6-8 weeks.

How long can poodle hair grow

The length of a poodle’s hair can vary depending on the type of poodle. Standard poodles have the longest hair, followed by miniature poodles, while toy poodles have the shortest hair.

Poodle hair can be long, medium, or short. During the active growth phase, known as the anagen phase, a poodle’s hair can grow anywhere from 2 to 6 years, depending on the individual dog’s genetics and health.

On average, a poodle’s hair grows between 0.5 and 1 inch per month and can grow to be anywhere from 15 to 20 inches long for standard poodles.

Can you Leave Poodle With Long Hair?

While Poodles can technically have long hair, it is generally not recommended as it can cause discomfort and tangling, making grooming a painful task.

However, with proper grooming and care, a Poodle with long hair can look beautiful and display their signature ringlets.

It is important to train your Poodle to enjoy grooming from a young age to make the process easier.


So, how long can a poodle’s hair grow? The answer depends on the type of poodle, the length of their coat, and how often they are groomed.

All poodles need to be groomed regularly to prevent matting and tangling, so we recommend bringing your poodle in for a grooming every 4-8 weeks.

If you have any further questions about poodle grooming or would like to answer, please don’t hesitate to comment below!

Emma Olson

About The Author

I'm Emma and I love dogs so much, especially poodles. I have a miniature Poodle named Olive. Pets are my passion and I love to share knowledge through writing blogs.

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