How Much Does It Cost to Take Care of a Toy Poodle? A Comprehensive Guide

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A toy poodle is an adorable and intelligent breed of dog that can make a great companion. However, before getting a toy poodle as a pet, it is important to consider the costs associated with taking care of one. From food to grooming to veterinary care, the expenses can add up quickly.


The cost of owning a toy poodle can vary depending on various factors such as location, age, and health condition. According to the search results, the average cost of owning a toy poodle is around $900 per year. However, this cost can increase significantly if the dog requires special care or medical attention.

How Much Does a Toy Poodle Cost?

Toy Poodles are adorable dogs that make great companions. However, before bringing one home, it’s important to consider the cost of owning and caring for a Toy Poodle.

The initial purchase price of a Toy Poodle varies depending on factors such as breeder reputation, location, and the dog’s pedigree. On average, a Toy Poodle costs between $500 to $2,000. However, dogs from high-value show lines may cost $4,000 or more.

Aside from the purchase price, there are also ongoing expenses to consider such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and other supplies. The total monthly cost of owning a Toy Poodle can range from $245 to $900 per month.

Regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations are necessary to keep a Toy Poodle healthy. The costs of these services may vary by location but can generally be expected to include annual vet check-ups ($45-$200), vaccinations ($80-$120 per year), heartworm and parasite prevention ($10-$20 per month).

Grooming and hygiene are also important for Toy Poodles. Grooming costs can range from $0 to $100 per month depending on whether the owner chooses to groom their dog themselves or take them to a professional groomer. Additionally, the cost of supplies such as shampoo, conditioner, and brushes should be factored in.

It’s important to note that the cost of owning a Toy Poodle can vary depending on the dog’s individual needs and the owner’s lifestyle. However, by considering all of the potential costs, prospective owners can make an informed decision about whether a Toy Poodle is the right pet for them.

Basic Needs

Toy Poodles, like any other dog breed, have basic needs that must be met to ensure their health and well-being. These needs include food, grooming, and healthcare. Here’s a breakdown of each:


A Toy Poodle’s diet should consist of high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs. It’s essential to choose a food that is appropriate for their age, size, and activity level. Toy Poodles are prone to obesity, so it’s crucial to monitor their food intake and avoid overfeeding. A typical Toy Poodle will eat around 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dry dog food per day, which can cost between $20 to $60 per month.


Toy Poodles require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and prevent matting. This includes brushing their coat daily, trimming their hair every 4-6 weeks, and cleaning their ears and teeth regularly. Professional grooming services can cost between $50 to $100 per session, depending on the location and services provided. However, owners can save money by learning to groom their Toy Poodle at home.


Toy Poodles are generally healthy dogs, but they are still prone to certain health issues such as dental problems, eye infections, and skin allergies. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help catch any health issues early and prevent them from becoming more serious. Annual vaccinations, heartworm prevention medication, and flea and tick prevention medication are also necessary expenses. The cost of healthcare for a Toy Poodle can range from $300 to $800 per year.

Additional Expenses

Aside from the initial costs of acquiring a toy poodle and their monthly expenses, there are additional costs to consider when taking care of this breed.


Toy poodles are intelligent and trainable dogs, but they require consistent training to develop good behavior and prevent bad habits. Private training sessions with a professional dog trainer can cost anywhere from $50 to $150 per hour. Group classes are also available, with prices ranging from $100 to $500 for a multi-week course. Online training programs are another option, with prices ranging from $20 to $200.

Toys and Accessories

Toy poodles are active dogs that require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Toys and accessories can help keep them entertained and prevent destructive behavior. The cost of toys and accessories can vary widely depending on the quality and type of item. For example, a basic chew toy can cost as little as $5, while a puzzle toy can cost up to $50. Other accessories to consider include a leash and collar, food and water bowls, a crate, and grooming supplies.

Boarding or Pet Sitting

When going on vacation or traveling for business, toy poodle owners need to make arrangements for their pet’s care. Boarding facilities can cost anywhere from $25 to $75 per day, depending on the quality of care and services provided. Pet sitting services are another option, with prices ranging from $15 to $50 per day. Some toy poodle owners opt for in-home pet sitters, which can cost anywhere from $50 to $100 per day.

How Much Does It Cost to Take Care of a Toy Poodle on a Monthly Basis?

A toy poodle is a small and adorable breed that requires proper care to live a healthy and happy life. However, owning a toy poodle comes with a price tag that includes various expenses. Here’s a breakdown of the monthly costs of owning a toy poodle:

  • Food: A toy poodle requires high-quality dog food that costs around $20 to $60 per month, depending on the brand and quality.
  • Grooming: Regular grooming is essential for a toy poodle, and it can cost around $50 to $80 per month, depending on the frequency of grooming and the services required.
  • Medical Care: A toy poodle needs routine medical checkups, which can cost around $50 to $100 per month, depending on the location and the vet’s fees.
  • Preventative Medications: Monthly preventative medications, such as flea and tick preventatives, can cost around $20 to $40 per month.

Therefore, the total monthly cost of owning a toy poodle can range from $140 to $280, depending on various factors such as location, quality of food, grooming services, and vet fees. keep in mind that unexpected expenses may arise, such as emergency medical care or unexpected grooming services, which can add to the monthly costs.

Costs for the First Year of Owning a Poodle

When it comes to owning a Toy Poodle, the first year can be the most expensive. The initial cost of purchasing a Toy Poodle can range from $500 to $2,000, depending on the breeder and location. However, there are additional costs that new owners should be aware of.

The first-year expenses for a Toy Poodle can add up quickly. Here are some of the costs to consider:

  • Vet visits for vaccinations and check-ups
  • Spaying or neutering
  • Microchipping
  • Grooming supplies
  • Food and treats
  • Leashes, collars, and harnesses
  • Training classes

It is important to note that these costs can vary depending on the location and the individual needs of the Toy Poodle. For example, grooming costs may be higher for a Toy Poodle with a thick coat that requires regular trimming.

One of the biggest expenses for new Toy Poodle owners is vet visits. In the first year, a Toy Poodle will need to be vaccinated multiple times and may require additional check-ups if any health issues arise. The cost of these visits can vary, but on average, a check-up can cost around $50 to $100, and vaccinations can cost around $20 to $30 each.

Grooming is another expense that new Toy Poodle owners should be prepared for. Toy Poodles require regular grooming to keep their coats healthy and clean. This can include bathing, trimming, and brushing. Grooming costs can vary depending on the location and the individual groomer, but on average, grooming can cost around $50 to $100 per session.


Toy Poodles are adorable and intelligent dogs that make great pets for many families. However, owning a Toy Poodle can be quite expensive, especially when it comes to healthcare costs.

Annual expenses for a Toy Poodle can range from $900 to $10,000 or more, depending on various factors such as the dog’s age, health, and lifestyle. It’s important for potential owners to consider these costs before bringing a Toy Poodle into their home.

While the initial cost of purchasing a Toy Poodle may seem high, You need to remember that the real expense comes in the form of ongoing care. Regular veterinary checkups, grooming, and high-quality food are all essential to keeping a Toy Poodle healthy and happy.

Owners should also be prepared for unexpected expenses, such as emergency veterinary care or unexpected illnesses. Investing in pet insurance can help offset these costs and provide peace of mind.

Ultimately, owning a Toy Poodle can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for those who are prepared to take on the responsibility and expense. By providing proper care and attention, owners can enjoy many happy years with their furry companion.

Next: How Much Miniature Poodle Cost?

Emma Olson

About The Author

I'm Emma and I love dogs so much, especially poodles. I have a miniature Poodle named Olive. Pets are my passion and I love to share knowledge through writing blogs.

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